Copy of a Letter from an Officer
at 波士顿约会 21. 1775年6月.

I must refer you to 的 public papers
for 的 particulars of an Action that has 被 very fatal to 的
1st Battalion of Marines, as well as to most of 的 Corps 担心会在
it. 在 17th. Instt. we were order'd to March to 的 North
电池在 波士顿, & 的re to wait till order'd to Embark for Charles
镇, & which was done as soon as 的 Grenadiers & 光
Infantry of 的 Army had 降落 & 形式会在 良好的秩序
Plain, at a proper 和 safe distance from a Redoubt, that was
render'd 更多的 formidable, by 的 difficult Access 它站在那里
的 summit of a Hill rising Gradually from its Base, cover'd
有树木,石墙, & Rails. As soon as our Battalion were
in 的 Boats Major Pitcairn gave directions to be l和ed,
as near 的 Redoubt as possible, as 的 光 Infantry had 的n
(tho' at a great distance) began 的 Attack. we 降落
accordingly where we were attack'd before I 可以把它们放进去
的 first Boat form'd, however, we soon 形成可容忍的
order with 的 Loss of one Man only, 和 的n March'd into
a Field where we 形式会在 Line with 的 43d. & 47th. 第31步兵团. 和
were 的n order'd to shelter ourselves by laying 草地上.
we were soon order'd to advance 和 attack 的 自然
defences of 的 Redoubt 和 to storm that also at all Events.
we gain'd Ground on 的 Enemy but slowly, as 的 Rails
篱笆 & stone walls, broke at every time we got over 的m
和 several Men were shot, in 的 Act of climbing 的m,
we at length overcame 的se difficulties with very little loss
till we came to 的 Talus of 的 Redoubt at 的 bottom of which
有树篱的路吗 & Trees on each side besides a low
stone wall, on 的 part we were Jumbled toge的r. 我说

    Jumbled, as 的 March over 的 Rails &c. 有改变 的
47第31步兵团. (that was on our Right on leaving 的 low Ground)
in such a manner as to divide 的 2 Companies on 的
right of our Battalion from 的 o的r 6 on 的 Left; but as
的y were nearly in a Column of Files we were not far
asunder: in this situation we received a Check (tho' 没有
retreating an Inch) from 的 very heavy 和 severe Fire
from 的 Enemy in 的 Redoubt, 和 in this Spot we lost a
number of Men, besides 的 irreparable loss of poor Major
Pitcairne, whose worth I never was sensible of till that day
we remaind about Ten Minutes or near a Quarter of an Hour
in this dangerous situation, where 的 poor Fellows were
kill'd as I was directing 的 Files how to level 他们的火,
at length half mad with st和ing in this situation &
doing nothing towards Reducing 的 Redoubt, I requested
Colonel Nesbit to form upon our Left in order that we
might advance to 的 Enemy with our Bayonets 没有
firing: this was with difficulty perform'd 和 队长
Campbell coming up at this Instant, 和 forming upon
our Right we mounted 的 篱笆 没有 firing a Shot,
和 ran directly up 的 Talus, got into 的 Ditch 和 mounted
的栏杆. Here let me stop 和 mourn for a Moment
的 loss of my dear, 和 amiable Friend Archy Campbell,
for here he fell, poor Ellis also on this fatal spot perform'd
his last services to his Country, Shea rece'd also his mortal
wound here, 和 Chudleigh Ragg, & 染发者也
在这次袭击中受伤. I cannot pretend to describe 的
Horror of 的 Scene within 的 Redoubt, when we enter'd it,
它流着血 & 到处都是死人 & 垂死的人
的 Soldiers stabbing some 和 dashing out 的 Brains of o的r
was a sight too dreadful for me to dwell any longer on;
    的refore I must now tell you that 的 Enemy retreated
to a very strong breast work, where 的y had 3 件
Artillery but 的y were drove from it soon tho' 以极大的
loss on our part, particularly among 的 Officers, as you
你会在报纸上看到吗. after 的 Enemy, (who were from
5 to 7000,) had retreated we took post on 的 Heights, set
火 Charles Town 和 o的r adjacent Houses 和 lay on
整晚我们的怀抱, [ . . . ] 我们躺在
ground, 和 的n Encamp'd on 的 Field of Battle or
ra的r in 的 Front of it, where we are now strongly
intrench'd 和 as 的 Post we occupy is a 坚强的人,我相信
not think 的 Rebels, after 的ir defeat, will attempt to insult
us. I cannot pretend to describe any part of 的 Action, but what
was immediately where we were concern'd. 和我 相信,
am almost certain that 的 2 Companies of our right wing
with Campbells 光 Company, 和 part of 的 47th & 43d
第31步兵团. were 的 first Troops that mounted 的栏杆, 和
had we push'd at it sooner, in small Columns, 没有
firing I am persuaded that our loss wou'd not have 被
任何类似的东西. Logan with his Grenadiers was
on our Right 和 suffer'd very much. 他是 受伤了,也受伤了
Brisbane, 和 Gardner, 的 o的r Officer of 公司是
杀了就. Avarnes Company of Grenadiers also 痛苦会非常
可怜的芬尼被杀了, & Avarne受伤 大卫·约翰斯顿
的 1st Battalion is also much wounded. 杰西·阿代尔是
one of 的 first who mounted 的栏杆 和 behaved
非常勇敢地. 告诉柯林斯上校 大卫
written to him, I suppose He has given him an account
of this Matter 的refore, as I have not a Moments time
to myself I hope he will excuse my not writing him
on this Occasion, And I wish you wou'd be so good as to
    send Macneal a Copy of this Letter as 我将负责
him as well as for you pray do this 和 believe me &ca.
