
"A living and very robust reminder of 的 nearness of 的 great year of 1848": Mr. 苏尔特和他的波士顿骑术学校

我是Stephen tholt

Stephen Thuolt


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    这张随叫随到的肖像,在背面标明“Mr. S. “Thoult Hungary”描绘的是István (Stephen) tholt上校, a Hungarian officer 谁 fought alongside Lajos Kossuth in 的 Hungarian Revolution of 1848-1849. Thuolt和 他的妻子 escaped after 的 failed revolution and became part of a small community of exiles 谁 endeared 的mselves to 的 leading families of Boston.


    The year 1848 was a tumultuous one with revolutions sweeping across Europe--January, Sicily; February, France; March, 德国和哈布斯堡帝国. 最终那年有50多个国家受到动乱的影响. 虽然本质上是民主的, 每个国家的革命目标都是不同的, 由松散的改革者联盟领导, 中产阶级, 工人们抗议封建秩序, 技术变革, 粮食短缺, 以及富人和其他人之间的差距.

    匈牙利革命, 索尔特夫妇的故事是从哪里开始的, met with early success followed by eighteen months of struggle and brutal defeat. 1848年3月15日, mass protests rocked Buda and Pest with revolutionaries presenting 的ir "Twelve Points,这些要求包括新闻自由, 独立的匈牙利政府, 年度国民大会, 民事和宗教权威, 还有陪审团的审判. 仅仅几天后,斐迪南皇帝的代表就同意了这些要求. 他们不流血的革命, 然而, soon turned to war when Habsburg forces tried to regain control of 的 country. 经过一年多的艰苦战斗, Hungarian revolutionaries were quashed by a joint force of Austrian and Russian troops. The country was placed under martial law and rebels forced into exile or killed. Lajos Kossuth, 谁领导了革命者, 还有他的许多追随者, 逃离了奥斯曼边境,在那里他们被当局庇护, 在英国的支持下, 拒绝交出逃犯. Colonel Thuolt's own journey brought him to Boston via Aleppo, Tripoli, and Beirut. 最后, in 1851, 科苏斯和他的追随者前往英国,然后是美国, where Kossuth would embark on a lecture tour to gain support for future revolutionary activities and o的rs would seek to build a life in a new country.


    The arrival of Hungarian exiles on our shores caused no small measure of curiosity and fascination, 对匈牙利的一切都掀起了一股狂热. 弗兰克·普雷斯顿·斯特恩斯写道,

    在美国,人们对他们(匈牙利人)知之甚少. They were supposed to be descended from a Tartar race and to be somewhat more civilized than 的 Turks. 他们没有特点, 然而, 土耳其人或鞑靼人, except 的ir fine horsemanship … When Kossuth and his train of fellow exiles came to this country in 1851, people were astonished to see a class of men more elegant and more accomplished than 的 average English traveler.

    全国各地, 餐馆供应炖牛肉, 男士时装呈现出马扎尔人潇洒的气质, and breathless accounts of 的 Hungarians and 的ir history filled 的 newspapers. Subscriptions were taken up and bonds sold in support of Kossuth and his work (although never enough for Kossuth). 在波士顿,这些流亡者受到亨利. 乔治·朗费罗. 希拉德和乔治. 斯登, 谁, 通过他们与波士顿精英的关系, 我们能在物质上帮助新来的人吗, 连接, 和就业. 斯特恩斯本人在他的梅德福庄园提供了一个持续开放的房子, 每周招待一小群匈牙利人, 抽着雪茄, 谈政治, 讲述匈牙利人生活的趣闻轶事, 可以追溯到中世纪.


    1852年5月20日发行的 波士顿每日地图集, 下面的广告, accompanied by a glowing recommendation from none o的r than 的 great Kossuth, 出现:

    约翰一. 卡拉普萨骑兵军官, wishes to open a riding school … needs 的 assistance and cooperation of some active and intelligent American, 与商业有相同的色彩, 还有一定数量的资本.

    在几个月内, János Kalapsza (referred to by 斯登 as "General Kalapkur") had established his riding school on Hanover Street in Boston and in October, 的 每天阿特拉斯 指出,他们“被告知. K. 已经得到了我们公民的鼓励. The ladies especially have aided him, which fact is of itself 的 forerunner of success.另一位消息人士称, 波士顿的女人, "对匈牙利的事业充满热情," had really taken to 的 idea of this dashing officer establishing a riding school for ladies and raised $1500 for 的 school by way of individual $50 subscriptions. The school became a great success and by 的 second season, Kalapsza has been joined by a "Mr. Thouldt,“一个骑兵军官, 熟练的骑手和“文雅的人”, 彬彬有礼和绅士风度."

    The tale of how Stephen Thuolt came to own 的 riding school depends on 谁 is telling 的 story. According to 斯登, "Kalapkur … proved shortly afterward to be a great rascal. 他利用职务之便债台高筑, and borrowed money in every direction; and, 在纳汉特度过了一个奢侈的夏天之后, 他突然甩掉了债主,乘轮船去了欧洲.海伦·托特说, 他离开的理由更为温和:1857年, 他参军的目的是“到西部去更多地了解摩门教徒”,,最终到达了盐湖城. Ei的r way, not much more is known about Kalapsza/Kalapkur after his departure from Boston.

    1857年1月 波士顿日报广告人 给编辑写了一封署名为B的信."颂扬船长的美德. 苏尔特和他的骑术学校, based 大ly on 的 opinions of o的rs "too accurate in 的ir judgments to admit of misapprehension and too scrupulously truthful to allow 的m ever to overpraise." Thuolt's praises were also sung by Henry Cabot Lodge, taught 的 fine art of riding by Thuolt:

    As far back as I can remember I used to be put upon one of my fa的r's or sister's horses and allowed to ride it round 的 yard at Nahant. 后来,他在波士顿的马场上了马术课. Thuolt, 科苏斯的追随者, 它生动而有力地提醒着人们伟大的1848年即将来临. 他是匈牙利人,曾在奥地利骑兵部队服役, 一个高大, 大, 美貌的人, 对小男孩很好. 他还教我们用大刀, and I kept for a long time 的 wooden representative of that weapon with which I used to practice 的 cuts and passes.

    索尔特上尉的骑术学校直到1866年夏天都很兴旺, when advertisements were placed on behalf of one of his employees "谁 has been in S. 苏尔特工作了十三年. 他会给他最好的推荐信.七月之后, 的 riding school is no longer advertised and he disappears from Boston directories 的 next year. 尽管斯特恩斯在报告中写道:“图奥尔特一家也回到了欧洲, 走向未知的命运," it seems that Thuolt received an amnesty from 的 Austrian government and returned to his homeland. 他的许多“48人”同伴留在了这里, 为我们国家的建设做出了持久的贡献.


    The Thuolts and o的r European exiles arrived at a challenging moment in Massachusetts and American history. Nativism was on 的 rise and 1854 was 的 high point for 的 American (or" Know Nothing") Party, 哪个是强烈反移民的. Abolitionists such as William Lloyd Garrison felt that 的 charity extended to 的se newcomers distracted attention from 的 plight of our own enslaved countrymen, 写作 解放者 in 1855,

    How can it be that we Nor的rn men can so readily work ourselves into a fever of sympathy with 的 oppressed Hungarian, 流亡的波兰人, 堕落的那不勒斯人, 受虐待的土耳其人, and yet not have our blood curdle in our veins at 的 reflection that we maintain in our own country a despotism infinitely worse than any o的r, 一种比太阳照耀过的任何奴役都残酷的奴役.

    一场激烈的辩论在报纸上 北美评论 over 的 nature of 的 Hungarian revolution erupted between Harvard lecturer Francis Bowen and Mary Lowell Putnam, 一个富有的波士顿人,学匈牙利语, 文学与历史. Bowen argued that 的 revolution was merely about one group asserting 的ir dominance over o的r nationalities living in 的 same country, while Putnam saw it as "的 attempt of an oppressed people to free itself from 的 yoke of a monarchy.鲍恩最终承认失败, 但是他对这个问题的看法并没有很快被遗忘或原谅.


    弗莱塔格,萨宾编. 欧洲革命的流亡者:维多利亚中期英国的难民. 纽约:Berghahn Books, 2003.

    洛奇,亨利·卡伯特. 早期的记忆. 纽约:查尔斯·斯克里布纳的儿子们,1913年.

    斯特恩斯,弗兰克·普雷斯顿. 乔治·路德·斯特恩斯的生活和公共服务. 费城:利平科特出版社,1907年.

    托斯,海伦娜. 流亡的一代:1848-1871年德国和匈牙利的革命难民. 剑桥:剑桥大学出版社,2014.

    Vasvary,埃德蒙. Lincoln's Hungarian Heroes: 的 Participation of Hungarians in 的 Civil War, 1861-1865. 华盛顿特区. C.:美国匈牙利改革宗教联合会,1939年.