
“If it pleases you to have another ‘Mayor Quincy’ in the family”: Colonel 塞缪尔·米iller Quincy describes his appointment as military mayor of New Orleans, 1865年5月5日.

Letter from 塞缪尔·米iller Quincy to 玛丽·简·米勒·昆西, 1865年5月5日 手稿

Letter from 塞缪尔·米iller Quincy to 玛丽·简·米勒·昆西, 1865年5月5日


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    Shortly after the restoration of civilian government to Louisiana at the end of the Civil War, 纳撒尼尔·P. 银行, 联邦军队在该州的指挥官, “执行了一场政变,' by which the Civil Mayor [of New Orleans was] decapitated," and Colonel 塞缪尔·米iller Quincy of Massachusetts was "installed as military vicegerent in his place." 银行 had feared the growing power of conservative opponents of Reconstruction including former Confederates in the new state and city government. 半个城市," 昆西通知了他的母亲 in this letter written on official city hall stationery, 是“高兴”,另一半是“愤怒” . . . but if it pleases you to have another 'Mayor Quincy' in the family—soyez en heureuse. 我希望它不会持续太久."

    新“市长”,他给他母亲写的轻松愉快的信, 玛丽·简·米勒·昆西, often described the amusing or ironic character of military life, 注意到这一事实, 作为新奥尔良的代理市长, 他继承了他父亲的衣钵, 乔赛亚·昆西(1802-1882), 和祖父, 乔赛亚·昆西(1772-1864), both of whom had been distinguished mayors of Boston. 事实上, the situation in New Orleans was extremely dangerous, although it did not explode into terrible racial violence until more than a year later.


    的 situation in New Orleans was complex: the mayor that General 银行 deposed in favor of Quincy, 休•肯尼迪, 是由詹姆斯·麦迪逊·威尔斯州长任命的, who had appointed Kennedy in place of one of 银行's friends. Wells shifted uneasily between political factions that supported moderate Reconstruction and the conservative opponents of black civil rights. 在他自己任命之后, 昆西通知了他的母亲, 总督被激怒了, and 有 gone to Washington to protest against military despotism."

    在华盛顿, 州长井 received a sympathetic hearing from Andrew Johnson, who had become president after the assassination of Lincoln. Wells returned to Louisiana with the full backing of President Johnson, whose views on Reconstruction and black civil rights were revealed when General 银行 was removed from his post—and with him, “市长”昆西. 6月7日,昆西在给母亲的信中写道: 下降!!. . . 因为一些无法解释的原因, the President 有 seen fit to back up the rebels in this village, 而统一党则处于劣势.他在信的落款是“纽约前市长”. O."

    Samuel Quincy's brief service in New Orleans was not the end of his entanglement in civilian affairs. 他很快就被送到了奥佩罗萨斯, 路易斯安那州的前联邦首都, to put out another fire in the intractable struggle between the restored—and reactionary—civil government of Louisiana and recently-freed African Americans, including men who had fought for their own freedom in the Civil War. Opelousas had implemented a ferociously restrictive "Black Code,“这是一项如此压迫的法令,以至于, 昆西是这样告诉他母亲的, it "just about returned [African Americans] to servitude." He was sent after the "Opelousians with a sharp stick"—his black soldiers' bayonets—and, 至少目前是这样, 他很成功.


    一年后, the crisis came to a head in New Orleans when a municipal election restored the former Confederate mayor, 约翰T. 门罗,到办公室. 州长井, who had opposed the Unionist supporter of black civil rights in 1865, 现在再换一边. 1866年7月, he attempted to re-convene a state constitutional convention to enfranchise black voters. On 30 July, the convention in New Orleans was broken up by force. Members of the convention and their African American supporters were attacked in what General Philip Sheridan, 地区军事指挥官, 被描述为“绝对的大屠杀”.“至少有48个人, 包括许多内战的黑人老兵, 死亡,超过200人受伤. 在新奥尔良暴乱(大屠杀)之后, 军事统治回到了新奥尔良和路易斯安那州. In 1867, General Sheridan superseded both Mayor Monroe and 州长井.

    准将塞缪尔. 昆西,你.S.V.

    塞缪尔·米iller Quincy (1832-1887), was educated at Harvard and trained as a lawyer. When the Civil War began, he was commissioned in the 2nd Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded and captured in 1862 while fighting in Virginia. After he was exchanged and promoted to the rank of colonel, 他指挥了马萨诸塞州第二团, 但他的伤一直没有完全恢复. In 1863, 无法在现场继续, 他辞去了他的职务, 但同年晚些时候, 被任命到路易斯安那州 陆战队中部, one of the first black military units in the Union army. Quincy resigned from the army in 1866 with the brevet rank of brigadier general. Returning to Boston, he devoted himself to philanthropic causes. He never fully recovered from the rigors of his Civil War service and died in 1887. MHS持有 a watercolor portrait of Quincy in his Civil War general's uniform and the presentation contains additional biographical information.


    塞缪尔·米. Quincy’s Civil War letters to his mother and other family members form part of the Massachusetts Historical Society’s enormous archive of Quincy Family papers and have been microfilmed as part of the Quincy, Wendell, Holmes, and Upham Family Papers Microfilm.

    塞缪尔·本特. 塞缪尔·米勒·昆西悼词. 波士顿:旧州议会大厦,1887年. Proceedings of a Special Meeting of the Bostonian Society, May 24, 1887.

    芳娜,埃里克. Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877. 纽约:Harper & 行,1988.

    詹姆斯·G·赫兰斯沃思著. An Absolute Massacre: 的 New Orleans Race Riot of July 30, 1866. 巴吞鲁日:路易斯安那州立大学出版社,2001.

    McCrary,佩顿. Abraham Lincoln and Reconstruction: the Louisiana Experiment. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1978.

    美国. 房子. 新奥尔良暴乱特别委员会. Report of the 新奥尔良暴乱特别委员会. 华盛顿:政府印刷局,1867年.