
The Trapp Family Singers sign Governor Leverett Saltonstall's guest book at the Massachusetts State House

Governor Leverett Saltonstall`s guest book, page with von Trapp family`s signatures Manuscript


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[项目描述如下: 本月目标 ]

The handsome blue leather-bound volume that contains the von Trapp family autographs is decorated in gold and made up of blank, 数不清的页面. 上面写着“留言簿/莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔/州长”." There are about sixty-five p年龄 that record guests to the Massachusetts State House between 10 March 1939 and mid-1944. The signatures in the album are an eclectic mix of New York stage actors (at that time Broadway plays often had out-of-town previews in Boston), 好莱坞名人来这里宣传电影和事业, 政治人物(大部分是共和党人), 州长也一样), 以及其他来自世界各地和各行各业的游客. After war broke out in Europe in 1939—and especially after the United States entered the Second World War in 1941—the names in the album often are of foreign refugees (the royal families and governments in exile of occupied nations) as well as visiting diplomatic and military missions.

在他的回忆录中, Governor Saltonstall recollected that his staff brought stars of new plays that were opening in Boston to the State House to promote business in the Commonwealth through out-of-state publicity. 他以多萝西·拉莫尔(她署名“多蒂”)为例。, 简·威瑟斯, 弗雷德·阿斯泰尔, but the number of visitors from Hollywood appears to be far greater than from New York. 这本留言簿打开了一扇了解二十世纪中期名人文化的窗口. 保罗·罗布森和美国小姐同时出现在州议会大厦吗, 还是他们只签了同一页? 巴德·艾伯特和卢·科斯特洛一起来的, but were Thornton Wilder and Aaron Copland traveling together or just sequential visitors? 在这些页面上, the juxtaposition of the signatures of the lieutenant governor of Texas and the bishop of Rangoon is not particularly unusual. 当他到达时, 弗拉纳根神父是从男孩镇来的吗, Nebraska—Spencer Tracy already had played him in the movie—a more notable figure than Henri Hoppenot, 法国民族解放委员会的代表? What brought so many stars of stage and screen through Boston, especially in war time?

留言簿上的大多数条目都是未注明日期的签名, giving the reader no insight as to the character of the visit and only an approximate date, 尽管有几个客人违反了礼仪. Jerry Colonna, who came with Bob Hope, gave as his address, "West End Boston and Hollywood, Cal.塔卢拉·班克海德(Tallulah Bankhead)指出,她来自“我漫游的每一个地方”.拳击冠军乔·路易斯补充道, 赞扬了索尔顿斯托尔在民权问题上的立场:“你不需要划定肤色界限,他写道, “我和你在一起,你也和我在一起."

冯·特拉普家族未注明日期的签名, who gave concerts in Boston at Jordan Hall in December 1940 and again in January 1941, 出现在与这位印度电影明星的同一页上, 萨布, 他们很可能是在1940年12月20日或之后不久到访的, 那天萨布对州长的采访受到了媒体的广泛关注, although notices of the von Trapp concerts in December state that the youngest of the children were not traveling with the family.


由于许多人只从戏剧和电影中了解冯·特拉普家族, 音乐之声, 记住这些名字是很重要的, 年龄, and order of birth of the von Trapp children (and the order of events) were changed when their lives were set to music. 他们在自己的名字中使用了敬语“冯”, 这个头衔可以追溯到孩子们的祖父, 奥古斯特冯特拉普, 在奥匈帝国海军中, but performed in America first under the name of the Trapp Family Choir and by 1940 as the Trapp Family Singers.

冯·特拉普家最大的七个孩子:鲁珀特, Agathe, 玛丽亚(女名), 沃纳, 海德薇格, 约翰娜, 玛蒂娜出生于1911年到1921年之间, 乔治·约翰内斯·里特·冯·特拉普和他的第一任妻子的孩子, 又是怀特海德·冯·特拉普, 所以到了1940年,他们不再是小孩子了, 甚至, 除了玛蒂娜, 青少年. The three children from Captain von Trapp's second marriage to 玛丽亚(女名) Kutschera von Trapp (Rosemarie, Eleonore, 和约翰内斯, (1939年出生在美国)要年轻得多. 牧师. 弗朗茨还, 一位来自奥地利的天主教牧师和家庭朋友, 曾陪同冯·特拉普一家流亡到美国. He served as the director and conductor of the Trapp Family Singers for more than twenty years.


1938年德国入侵奥地利时, the Catholic and anti-Nazi von Trapp family fled to Italy (by train rather than mountain pass) and then came to the United States, 但只能作为客座表演者. Although the interesting origins of the Trapp Family Choir garnered much public interest whenever they performed, 他们在美国的第一次音乐巡演很艰难, and in 1939 they were forced by United States immigration law to return to Europe where they performed in Scandinavia.

The von Trapps returned to America soon after the outbreak of war in Europe in October 1939, 但同样只有6个月的访客签证, 尽管他们被允许以难民身份留在美国. 更名为特拉普家庭歌手, 1940年,他们在美国各地举行了100多场音乐会, 乘坐包租的蓝色巴士从一个城市到另一个城镇.

When the von Trapps visited the State House, 玛丽亚(女名) von Trapp gave her address as "Salzburg.更现实一点, 也许, 冯·特拉普上尉说他们的地址是“梅里恩路252号”, 梅里恩, Pa,一个音乐爱好者在他们不巡演的时候给他们提供了一个避难所. 而冯·特拉普家族与斯托关系密切, 佛蒙特州, 直到第二年夏天,他们才在那里度过一年中不旅游的部分, or move permanently to the farm in Stowe that they renamed "Cor Unum" ("One Heart") and where they ran a summer music camp until 1943. 特拉普家族的成员仍然在斯托经营着特拉普家族旅馆.


The other signature to appear on this page of the Saltonstall guest book is that of 萨布 Dastagir (of Hollywood, 加州, 和迈索尔, 印度), 一个16岁的电影明星,他在波士顿宣传他的新电影, 巴格达的小偷并送给索尔顿斯托尔州长一张“魔毯”." While 也许 not yet at the height of his fame—the following year 萨布 would appear in the film of Kipling's 《利记APP官网手机版》—he seems to have outshone the celebrity of the von Trapp family at that point in their singing career, 至少在他访问州议会的报纸版面上是这样.


莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔于1892年出生在马萨诸塞州的栗山(牛顿). The Saltonstalls were a long-settled and notable New England family—Leverett was the tenth generation of his family to attend Harvard College. He served in World War I and practiced law before beginning his forty-six-year political career when he was elected to the Newton Board of Aldermen in 1920. After serving in the Massachusetts legislature (including four terms as speaker of the House of Representatives), 1938年,他第一次当选为连续三届的州长. 作为一个政治家, Saltonstall was able to combine New England Yankee rectitude with a broad popular appeal.

In 1944, Governor Saltonstall was elected to a four-year term in the United States Senate after the incumbent, 亨利·卡伯特·洛奇, Jr.他辞去了职务,重新参军. Saltonstall served three additional six-year terms in the Senate before he retired from public office in 1966. 他于1979年去世, Senator Saltonstall had been a member of the Massachusetts Historical Society for thirty-eight years.


亚当斯,珍珠. “萨布 to Saltonstall—the young Hindu movie star gives the Governor a rug from 萨布’s native India.” 波士顿环球报, 1940年12月21日,p. 4.

Gearin,琼. “电影和. 现实:冯·特拉普家族的真实故事."  序言》杂志. 2005年冬季,卷. 37, no. 4.

莱弗里特Saltonstall,. 莱弗里特·索尔顿斯托尔论文,1906-1981.

马萨诸塞州历史学会收藏了大量的 the personal papers and office files of Governor and later Senator Leverett Saltonstall

莱弗里特Saltonstall,. 《利记手机官网》. 波士顿:波士顿环球报,1976年.

特拉普,Agathe. 之前的记忆 & 《音乐之声之后:自传. 富兰克林,田纳西州.:希尔斯伯勒出版社,2003.

特拉普,乔治·冯. 《致最后的敬礼:一名奥地利潜艇指挥官的回忆. 林肯:内布拉斯加大学出版社,2007.

他的zum Letzen Flaggenschuss的英译.

特拉普,玛丽亚·奥古斯塔. 特拉普家族歌手的故事:启发音乐之声的故事. 纽约:Perennial, 2002.


特拉普,玛丽亚·奥古斯塔. 昨天,今天,直到永远. 哈里森,柜.:新叶出版社,1975.
