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约翰·昆西·亚当斯给阿比盖尔·亚当斯的信,1810年7月25日 手稿



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    在一封写给母亲阿比盖尔·亚当斯的信中,亚当斯从圣. 彼得堡, 俄罗斯, 1810年7月25日, 约翰·昆西·亚当斯, 美国在沙皇宫廷的公使, reflects upon the ferociously partisan politics of the day in Massachusetts, the complicated diplomatic scene in Europe during the Napoleonic Wars, 以及终结古斯塔夫四世灾难性统治的悲剧, 瑞典国王.


    尽管他一直陪伴着他的父亲, 约翰·亚当斯, 在美国独立战争期间前往法国, travelled to 俄罗斯 as a teenager with first American diplomatic mission to that country, 担任过美国.S. 荷兰和普鲁士公使, 1803年被选入美国参议院, 和, 当他在参议院任职时, been appointed the firsts professor of rhetoric 和 oratory at Harvard, 约翰·昆西·亚当斯 dated the “really important period” of his life to the British attack on USS 切萨皮克 in 1807. Senator Adams split with his Federalist colleagues 和 supported President Thomas Jefferson’s embargo on foreign trade—a crushing blow to maritime commerce in his native Massachusetts. When he attended the Republican presidential caucus that nominated James Madison in January 1808, 亚当斯的联邦党支持者指责他“叛教”.他回答说,他们“抛弃了自己的国家”.亚当斯在1808年5月的一次特别选举中被赶下台, the Massachusetts legislature elected James Lloyd to succeed Adams six months before his senatorial term ended. 一个月后,亚当斯辞职. In 1809, after briefly resuming his legal career 和 arguing two cases before the Supreme Court, he was nominated by President Madison to become the first minister plenipotentiary to represent the United States in 俄罗斯. 你可以跟随亚当斯每天一行一行的日记,记录他到圣. 彼得堡 in August 1809 和 his life at the 俄罗斯n court on Twitter at http://twitter.com/#!/JQAdams_MHS.

    By 1810, 约翰·昆西·亚当斯曾在外交部门工作多年, but through regular correspondence with his mother 和 father—和 his voluminous diary entries—he remained a faithful reporter of all he observed both abroad 和, 从远处看, 在家里. 从他在圣. 彼得堡, 他写信给他母亲, 阿比盖尔·亚当斯, decrying the state of politics in Massachusetts: “There is something in the Spirit of Party which stupefies even those whom it cannot deprave, 蒙蔽了双眼, 当它不能成功的时候,玷污心灵.” Adams hoped that the election of Republicans Elbridge Gerry 和 William Gray as governor 和 lieutenant governor of Massachusetts would turn the policy of the “Eastern sages” (the “Anglo-federalist” leadership known as the Essex Junto), “如果不是去做一些有用而光荣的事, at least to something less pestilential to their Country 和 their Posterity—To any thing 更多的 有害的, 我真诚地认为, the Prince of Darkness could not spur the most devoted of his instruments upon Earth.”

    While Adams’ principled st和 for the national interest against the wishes of his party is celebrated as a prime example of senatorial courage in John F. 肯尼迪的 《利记手机官网》简介, his harsh views of his opponents may have robbed him of the ability to fully comprehend an increasingly tense political 和 diplomatic situation in the United States. Adams denigrated concerns in Massachusetts over the treatment of the British minister to the United States “Mr. (弗朗西斯·詹姆斯)杰克逊”以及“战争带来的恐慌”, between the United States 和 Engl和” less than two years before 1812年战争 began.


    In the second part of his long letter to his mother—almost a formal political 和 diplomatic report—约翰·昆西·亚当斯 described “the most remarkable political transactions of the present time … in Sweden—The late king of that Country [Gustav IV] laboured under the same prejudices as of late years have taken possession of almost all the New-Engl和 federalists—He not only hated Napoleon as he deserves, 但他依靠的是英国的友谊和保护.“在与俄罗斯的灾难性战争之后, 瑞典王国被肢解, 失去芬兰和波美拉尼亚领土, 瑞典议会不仅抛弃了他(国王), but his children—excluded all his descendants with him from the succession, 派人去挪威找荷尔斯泰因·奥古斯丁堡王子, 成为瑞典王位的继承人.当新的继承人出现时, Crown Prince Karl August died suddenly 和 mysteriously on 29 May 1810, the populace rose up 和—in scenes that Adams compared to the French Revolution—at the crown prince’s funeral a mob rioted 和 murdered Count Axel von Fersen, 瑞典的大元帅.

    约翰·昆西·亚当斯似乎已经忘记了, 或者他不认为他应该在给他母亲的信中提到, 那是很多年前的事了吗, 在完全不同的背景下, 他注意到了阿克塞尔·冯·费森. 1785年3月28日, 17岁的亚当斯, 然后住在巴黎, recorded in his diary that the son born to Marie Antoinette the day before had been given the title of the Duke of Norm和y, 和 that rumors of a liaison between the queen 和 the gallant young von Fersen, a veteran of the American Revolution then comm和ing a Swedish regiment in French service, 使标题更具讽刺意味. 征服者威廉, 真正的诺曼底公爵, 都是斯堪的纳维亚血统的私生子,现在呢, 也许, 襁褓中的公爵也是如此. 不管冯·费森和玛丽·安托瓦内特之间有什么利记手机官网, in 1791, 在法国大革命期间, he made a romantic but ultimately unsuccessful attempt to rescue the French royal family. The Duke of Norm和y—by then the Dauphin of France—died in 1795, a child prisoner of the Revolution.

    约翰·昆西·亚当斯 remained in 俄罗斯 through the Napoleonic invasion of 1812, leaving in the spring of 1814 to travel to Ghent in Belgium where he led the negotiating team that brought an end to the conflict the New Engl和 Federalists had dreaded, 1812年战争, 1814年圣诞节前夕,他立即分析了这一事件 在给他母亲的另一封信中提到.

    一个新的展览:“Mr. 麦迪逊的战争:有争议的1812年战争

    约翰·昆西·亚当斯' 1810 和 1814 letters will be on display at the Massachusetts Historical Society from June 18-September 8, 2012, 作为新展览的一部分, Mr. 麦迪逊的战争:有争议的1812年战争. The Historical Society will commemorate the bicentennial of the declaration of war on 18 June 1812, 还有一个信件展览, 猛烈抨击, 工件, 以及该协会丰富藏品中的图片. Mr. 麦迪逊的战争 will be on display, Monday-Saturday, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM, through 8 September 2012. 展览物品, 包括约翰·昆西·亚当斯1814年12月24日写给母亲的信, 也 在“虚拟”显示链接到网站.



    数码图像14张以上,000 manuscript pages in the 68 volumes of 约翰·昆西·亚当斯’ extraordinary diary are available at the Massachusetts Historical Society website: http://rv3vpc4.web-sitemap.callmela.net/jqadiaries/.


    Memoirs of 约翰·昆西·亚当斯: Comprising Portions of his Diary from 1795-1848, ed. 查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯著,12卷. 费城:J. B. Lippincott, 1874 - 1877.

    Selections from Adams’ personal 和 diplomatic correspondence from this period have been published in:

    查尔斯·弗朗西斯·亚当斯. 约翰·昆西·亚当斯的信件,1811-1814,in 美国古物学会学报,新爵士., 23(1913年4月),页. 110-169.

    约翰·昆西·亚当斯的作品, ed. 作者:Worthington C. 福特,7伏. 纽约:麦克米伦出版社,1913-1917.


    比米斯,塞缪尔·弗拉格. 约翰·昆西·亚当斯和美国外交政策的基础. 纽约:Albert A. 克诺夫出版社,1949年.

    约根森,Christer. 英瑞同盟对抗拿破仑的法国. Basingstroke, Hampshire; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

    约翰·肯尼迪. 《利记手机官网》简介. 纽约:Harper & 兄弟., 1956.

    詹姆斯·刘易斯. 约翰·昆西·亚当斯:联邦的政策制定者. 特拉华州威尔明顿:学术资源公司., 2001.

    富兰克林·斯科特. 《瑞典:国家的历史. 扩大爱德. 卡本代尔:南伊利诺伊大学出版社,1988.