Coming of the American Revolution banner pastiche of images from MHS collections

The Coming of the American Revolution: 1764 to 1776

× 糖业法案 印花税法案 自由之子的形成 汤森法案 非消费和非进口 波士顿大屠杀 The Formation of the Committees of Correspondence 波士顿倾茶事件 强制行为 第一届大陆会议 列克星敦和康科德 第二届大陆会议 邦克山战役 Washington Takes Command of the Continental Army 独立宣言


Lesson for Core Concept #4: Tension between Conflict and Compromise

Jacqueline Fernandez, Graduate Education Intern, Tufts

The decade before the Revolution began was a continual tug of war between those who wanted to force confrontation and those who sought accommodation and compromise.



Encourage and further develop students’ analytical, 辩论, 听, 说话, and problem solving skills by hosting a mock trial in which a jury must decide whether or not individuals involved in throwing tea overboard in the Boston Tea Party broke the law, 应该被监禁, 还得付茶钱. 学生将发展论点, 互相倾听, develop counterarguments and work as teams to come to a conclusion on the issue from the perspective of their assigned character.


By the end of the activity, students will understand that

  • some people had specific motivations to force confrontation
  • some people had specific motivations to seek accommodation
  • 每个小组都以不同的方式使用事件
  • the dynamic of the opposing approaches is evident in the arguments of each group which were intended for the other




让学生分成四组吗. Provide them with fifteen to twenty minutes to read the documents and fill out the document analysis sheet (individually or together).


Extract of a letter from Charlestown, South Carolina, Dec. 2, 1765 ...
"Extract of a letter from Charlestown, South Carolina, Dec. 2, 1765 ..."

第一页的文章 《利记手机官网》副刊1766年1月27日


自由之子. 阅读他们的身份背景.

Group 2: Non-Consumption and Non-importation

Summary of the Cargo of the Snow Pittt [sic] ...
"Summary of the Cargo of the Snow Pittt [sic] ..."

第1页的列表 波士顿纪事报1769年8月17日至21日,第120号


John Mein and fellow merchants who imported British Goods. 阅读他们的身份背景.


Tradesmen's Protest against the Proceedings of the Merchants ...
Tradesmen's Protest against the Proceedings of the Merchants ...


Tradesmen of Boston and allies who support British law and have been threatened by "patriots.阅读他们的身份背景.


“在马什菲尔德举行的镇民大会上 ..."

文章从1-2页 The Massachusetts Gazette; and the Boston Post-Boy and Advertiser1774年1月31日至2月7日,第859号


Marshfield town members present at the meeting. 阅读他们的身份背景.


Once students read the documents and complete a document analysis worksheet, they will divide into teams representing their assigned groups and be presented with the following challenging situation:

You are either a member of the 自由之子, 进口英国商品的商人, a tradesman of Boston who supported British tax law, or a person from Marshfield and you have been called to a very important meeting. The question to be considered is whether the self-professed patriots who admittedly threw tea overboard have broken the law; should have to pay for the tea damaged in the Boston Tea Party; and 应该被监禁 for their actions. Taking into account what you learned from your assigned identity and primary source document, you must decide where you stand on the issue. You will have four options in making your choice. You can self-select from one of the following: strongly agree, 有些同意, 有点不同意, 或者强烈反对.


Each corner of the room will have a poster board with one of the following labels: strongly agree, 有些同意, 有点不同意, 或者强烈反对. Students will go to the corner that corresponds with their interpretation of what their assigned identity’s stance would be and have five minutes to discuss with other group members where they stand 为什么. The goal of students will be to use what they learned from reading their document and their understanding of their character and work together to present a persuasive case to other students. 五分钟之后, an identified representative from each group, 或者如果群体很小, 组里的每个人, will briefly state the basis for their rationale in four or five points. 在一群人表达了他们的立场之后, students who may have been convinced to change their original stance will be allowed a period of 25 seconds to decide if they want to change their stance and move to the corresponding section of the room. Students will have to listen well because they will have to fill out a chart related to the 辩论 for homework.

在活动结束时, the corner of the room with the most individuals decides the fate of those who tossed the tea. The class will then take a few minutes to discuss what arguments were made by whom 为什么, 哪些论点最有说服力, 为什么, 以及反驳的理由利记APP官网手机版.


活动结束后, 老师会布置家庭作业, which will be: 1) to fill in the chart below; 2) answer the Questions to Consider that correspond with their assigned document for the activity; 3) select one of the four documents they did not read and answer the corresponding Questions to Consider and in bullet points, note any similarities and differences between the two they have read. 在以后的日子, students can select one Further Exploration Question from either document to be answered in the form of a project.


PDF文件 作业图表的PDF格式

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