Coming of the American Revolution banner pastiche of images from MHS collections


× 糖业法案 印花税法案 自由之子的形成 汤森法案 非消费和非进口 波士顿大屠杀 通讯委员会的组成 波士顿倾茶事件 强制行为 第一届大陆会议 列克星敦和康科德 第二届大陆会议 邦克山战役 华盛顿开始指挥大陆军 独立宣言


Lesson for Core Concept #9: Documents about the Boston Massacre and the Biases of their Creators


Documents reflect the personalities, perspectives and agendas of their creators.


This lesson has been designed using documents related to the Boston Massacre, 但它也可以适用于其他主题. Since the optional long-term assignment will involve the study of documents from other events from 美国革命的到来 网站, presentations can be scheduled to coincide with the class periods when those events will be discussed.


1-2课时+ 1个长期作业(可选)
Length of class can be adjusted depending upon length of discussions.


  • the biases of the creator intentionally or unintentionally affect every document created
  • different creators will produce different accounts of the same event based on their own motivations, 解释和观点
  • documents promoted for public consumption often promote a specific agenda




Students should read the following two documents from 美国革命的到来 网站.


A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England
A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England



发生在国王街的血腥屠杀, Boston on March 5th 1770 by a party of the 29th Regiment
发生在国王街的血腥屠杀, Boston on March 5th 1770 by a party of the 29th Regiment




Begin class by projecting or distributing copies of the engraving attributed to Paul Revere entitled, 发生在国王街的血腥屠杀, Boston on March 5th 1770 by a party of the 29th Regiment.

Using the Questions to Consider from the 网站 as a guide, 让学生描述他们所看到的:

  • 这个场景描绘了什么?
  • 描述这幅版画的背景场景. 你看到了什么建筑? 现在利记APP官网手机版时候啊?
  • 你看到雕刻上有多少士兵? 你会如何描述他们的行为?
  • 你在雕刻中看到了多少镇民? 你会如何描述他们的行为?
  • 里维尔给他的版画起了什么名字? 你觉得这个标题合适吗?

Transition to a discussion of the homework by asking the students how this image compares with the documents they had read the previous night. 这张图片最能代表哪个账户? 为什么会有人画这样的画?

Distribute the 文档分析工作表 to each student. 使用工作表作为指导, 带领班级讨论分析每个文档, 并要求学生记录他们的回答. The teacher can record important notes on the chalkboard or whiteboard.

  • 每篇文章的写作风格利记APP官网手机版? 为什么?
  • What are the similarities and differences between the two accounts?
  • 你能猜出每个文档的作者是谁吗?


把班级分成四组. 给每个小组分配不同的阅读包. Reading packets should include the transcription of one of the following documents, accompanying introductory essay from 美国革命的到来 网站, 以及作者简介(如适用).



A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England
A Fair Account of the Late Unhappy Disturbance at Boston in New England


见第5 -9页(图3-7依次)





On the Trial of the Inhuman Murderers, Of the 5th of March, 1770
On the Trial of the Inhuman Murderers, Of the 5th of March, 1770

A Verse Occasioned by the late horrid Massacre in King-Street
A Verse Occasioned by the late horrid Massacre in King-Street



"船长案". 29团的托马斯·普雷斯顿."

第1和第2页的文章 《利记APP官网手机版》增刊1770年6月25日,第1813号



Ask students to work within their groups to analyze their document using the questions on the 文档分析工作表.

在黑板上, teacher should create category headings with the following titles: Tory, 爱国者, 英国, 和反思.

When completed, ask each group to share their analyses with the class. Each group should identify into which category their reading falls. The teacher can take notes of key observations by recording them on the board (perception of key events, 谁或什么对波士顿大屠杀负责, 等.)


If time allows, some or all of these questions can be discussed in class or answered for homework:

  • How might the chaos or emotions of the events on March 5, 1770, 影响相关人员的看法?
  • What circumstances would have led to different retellings of the events?
  • How is the language in the document a reflection of the author and his perspective or motives?
  • What is the purpose of a broadside or newspaper account as compared with a personal letter or diary entry?
  • 诗歌是如何被用来说服观众的? 从阅读材料中举出例子.
  • Adams' account was written a number of years after the Boston Massacre took place. How might the passage of time have affected his memory of events?
  • What conclusions can you draw about the Boston Massacre and how it was viewed and retold by different people?
  • How can what you learned be applied to interpreting other documents from other eras, 包括现在?


Divide the class into several groups of 4-6 and assign each group a different topic from 美国革命的到来 网站.

One student in each group will be selected to be the moderator. Ask the students to select at least three documents (a different document for each person, 不包括主持人)从他们指定的主题, and interpret them using the 文档分析工作表. (参见概念9的相关文件列表.) 如果可能的话, one document should be a broadside or newspaper account and one should be a private letter or journal account.

根据他们的研究, the students are to present their findings in a 10-15 minute panel (or talk show) discussion for the rest of the class. 主持人将主持讨论. Each of the other students will represent a different document by assuming the role of its author.

The goal of the discussion is to understand each event from differing perspectives. The quality of the questions asked by the moderator will count towards the final grade for the project.

深思熟虑的, well-conceived questions from the class audience can count towards extra credit for the project.

In addition to the presentation, the group will be responsible for the following written materials:

  • 他们正在研究的事件的简要总结
  • 完成每个文件的文件分析工作表
  • 面试问题和回答笔记

Funding from the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati supported enhancements to this 网站.

美国国家人文基金会的标志 “我们是人民”的标志